C8 Sciences

Fall 2015

C8 Sciences was introduced to ATION as a part of CT Innovations. Their company created and sells Activate, a computer game that helps children with ADHD improve their concentration, focus, memory, and self-control.  Our main goal for this project was to create a video that reaches out and explains Activate to parents of homeschooled ADHD children.  In addition, we also analyzed C8 Sciences’ website and social media profiles and gave suggestions on how to improve their presence and outreach in the ADHD community.

After discussing with our client about how their product worked and what specifically they were expecting from ATION, we did extensive research into ADHD, the homeschooling system, and different ADHD forums and thought-leading organizations. We used this research to create different personas of those who would benefit from purchasing Activate.

With our client’s approval, we started ideating the different styles and narratives that the video could embody. After much deliberation with our client, we decided on an animated video that utilized kinetic typography elements.  The script revolved around our narrative that focused on how our persona, Carol, bought Activate for her son and how it has improved his focus and memory, thus improving how he was performing in his schoolwork. Lastly, we created all graphics in Adobe Illustrator that we later brought into Adobe After Effects to animate and bring the story together.